Bogdan Perzynski

Bogdan Perzynski approaches his work as an organism rather than an object. His practice focuses on the question of art’s interdisciplinariness. Drawing on the philosophies of communicative action, social pragmatism, and individual invention, by necessity, it embodies and embraces complexity. His recent work concentrates on computational fluid dynamics, and contemporary data collection, retention and visualization, particularly as they pertain to the future’s ecology. He has worked with installation art since 1978, and in 1990 began working with sound, video, sensors and body-based interactivity.

For over 35 years, he has produced works that incorporate architectural settings. His work has been presented in Argentina, Brazil, China, Germany, Greece, Israel, the Netherlands, Poland, Thailand, New Zealand, and the United States. Born in Poznań, Poland, Perzyński currently lives and works in Austin, Texas. He was trained in law at the University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poznań, and in architecture and fine arts at the University of Fine Arts in Poznań. During this time he abandoned traditionally defined art for a more open-ended art practice. His first solo show was at the Akumulatory 2, an iconic non-profit art gallery. From 1979-83, he taught at Poznań’s University of Fine Arts (Państwowa Wyzsza Szkoła Sztuk Plastycznych). Throughout this time, he traveled frequently to West Berlin, and in 1983 moved to Hamburg. The following year he relocated to Santa Barbara, California, and began teaching at UCSB. Since 1987 he has been on the faculty in the Department of Art & Art History at the University of Texas at Austin, where he co-founded the Transmedia area of studies. He maintains an American and a Polish residence.

Selected Works

Groundwork,  2020, fabric, HD video, silent, black and white, flat screen, duration: 10:36 m: s, 25” x 65” X 45”

Groundwork, 2020, fabric, HD video, silent, black and white, flat screen, duration: 10:36 m: s, 25” x 65” X 45”

$700 - 1,200, 1989, 47” x 12.5” x 10”, raw beeswax

$700 - 1,200, 1989, Raw beeswax, 47” x 12.5” x 10” inches.

Table, in progress, Photo-based installation, c-print (12"x18") framed, H: 7’ W: 116' D:5” (W: variable) (434 photographs)

Table, in progress, Photo-based installation, c-print (12"x18") framed, H: 7’ W: 116' D:5” (W: variable) (434 photographs)

5°26′3.439″N,12°21′18.780″E_ 45°26′1.295″N,12°21′19.357″E, 2015, 4k video, silent, loop 14 min: 14 sec.

5°26′3.439″N,12°21′18.780″E_ 45°26′1.295″N,12°21′19.357″E, 2015, 4k video, silent, loop 14 min: 14 sec.